Agile for Web Development: Is it Really What your team Needs?

What is web development?

Web development is the process of developing a website for business needs on the internet. It starts from basic to complex application design. Web developers handle and maintain the website regarding website speed, performance and technical issues. The developers design the website based on the client’s business requirement, including coding and various software tools. HTML languages play a major role in creating the website. Learning web designing is an easy one for the new ones. Social networks provide various platforms such as online videos, tutorials and e-books.

One can choose their desired option to learn the technology. Day by day, the demand for web developers is increasing. Hence learning this technology helps one to pursue career growth.

What is Agile?

What is Agile?

Agile was launched in the year 2001 by professional software developers. It provides flexibility to develop web applications for continuous delivery of work on the internet. Agile is the current method, and the existing method is a traditional method which differs from agile.

What is Agile?

The first step in agile development involves discovering the project needs among the team members, such as designers, creators, content developers and decision-makers. If the individuals in the team members identify the requirement of the web development project, there is no need to waste the time of constant email, phone calls and meetings. This reduces the project’s time and helps the team members understand their work clearly.

Existing Method of Web Development

The existing method or traditional method of web development follows the Waterfall method. It follows the linear or one-and-done approach. The web development process follows a sequential order. The steps are as follows,

  1. Planning
  2. Requirements
  3. Analyzing
  4. Designing
  5. Coding
  6. Testing
  7. Deployment

The above method takes time to develop the project in each stage in a sequential manner.

Pros of Choosing Agile Web Development

Customer Monitor Each Sprint

The agile method involves step by step process of development. Therefore, customers can track the web development process in a step-by-step process. If customers wish to change or modify anything, it is easy for developers to modify the changes in any development process.

Proper Solution is Found

The step-by-step development process helps the customers and developers determine various proper solutions in each meeting. Therefore a successful solution is found easily.

Business Value

The customer tracks the project and demands the business needs of the developers, so the web developers design the project according to the customer’s needs and find the project’s business value.

Frequent Check-ups

As the development process is integrated into various sections, the project’s development is seen in each stage. Hence it helps to check whether the product is working right in each stage of the development process.

Overcast is reduced

The development process is done in a faster manner. Thus it reduces the overtime and cost taken by the product.

Productivity is increased

The project’s productivity is increased in each step of the development process.

Fast project delivery

This method delivers the project before the date with new features and various levels of predictability.

No failure occurs

Agile methods help the developers to complete the project successfully. Proper communication between the customer and developers successfully enhances the project without failure.

The client’s choice is given preference.

Clients are provided with the flexibility to change the requirement of the project. Hence the project workload and requirements can be determined by the client. It varies frequently based on the client.

Agile Provides Website Support and Maintenance

In the agile method, clients need not hire a separate team for project maintenance. The more efficient support is provided by the professionals who are already familiar with the project.

Members present in Agile Development

The agile development team members include a product owner, a scrum master, Developers and subject matter experts.

The workflow of the agile development cycle follows Concept, Inception, Iteration, Release and Production.

To maintain a proper workflow in the agile development, daily meetings, live demonstrations, sharing Feedback and Maintaining Agile are the concepts that should be followed.


From the above article, the reason one should choose the agile method is described in detail. Developers widely use the agile method to develop a  website in a short period in the best way.