Difference between Azure and AWS

Difference between Azure and AWS

Azure and AWS both have significant value in the market. Both the famous for providing cloud-based services, but now the question arises which one is better? Don’t worry; in this tutorial, we will discuss the differences between both the platforms but before, let’s cover their definition.

What is Amazon Web Service?

Amazon web services were launched in 2006 by Amazon for cloud-based services. AWS allows startups to large companies, individuals, and the government sector, including the military, to utilize its services based on a pay-as-you-go model. It provides three platform services, IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, which provide around 200 features. Day by day, the usage of AWS is increasing as it offers various technological features, including IoT, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, database storage and analytics.

Millions of customers opt for AWS due to its high-security standard, which helps various sectors feel secure to use. It allows developers to innovate new technologies by providing necessary infrastructure and IT support. The fame of AWS is increasing because of its scalability, faster performance, cost-effective effectiveness, reliability and security, which supports the users to develop innovations.

What is Azure?

Azure was launched in 2008 and developed by Microsoft to provide a cloud-based service. The cloud computing platform services include SaaS, PaaS, IaaS and Serverless. Azure is called Windows Azure, and Microsoft’s Azure is a public cloud platform system. The features of Azure include storage, helping to run complex applications as it contains an extensive networking system, handling databases, and providing virtual features. It supports the users by providing the necessary technologies and tools to develop and deploy the application. As a pay-as-you model, users should pay only for what they use.

Azure provides greater security and data backup features, which help users regain their data if data is lost. The features of Azure are unlimited, which is an excellent background for users to discover new ideas.

Difference between Azure and Amazon Web Services

Simple tabulation difference is listed below,

Amazon Web ServicesMicrosoft Azure Cloud
Designed in the year 2004Designed in the year 2010
32.3% of the market share16.9% of the market share
Provides good Security named AWS Security HubEnables Privacy and Security named Azure Security Centre
Comprises 212 ServicesComprises of 200 Services
The pricing scheme is based on Charges per hourThe pricing scheme is based on Charges per minute.
Elastic Compute Cloud performs the computing operationVirtual Machine performs the computing operation
Some of the clients include Netflix, Samsung, BMW etcSome of the clients include Johnson Controls, Apple and Honeywell.  

Let’s examine the difference between Amazon web Services and Microsoft Azure Cloud.

  1. Computing Power

Amazon Web Services uses the computer to perform calculations and other tasks. The calculations are done by several nodes which use Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) for large-scale computing processes. It uses the software Docker or Kubernetes. The registry used is ECS and EC2 container.

Coming the concept of Azure uses virtual machines for performing computing processes for large-scale operations. The registry and software used are Docker Container.

  • Storage Medium

Amazon uses a storage medium called S3, which is simple. The archive option is enabled in S3, which helps the user better by accessing frequently. Performance speed is faster than Azure Cloud.

Microsoft Azure uses Storage block bob for storage purposes, containing several blocks that hold multiple blobs. Storage cool and storage archive performs the data archive operation.

  • Database Used

Usually, the cloud provides database service to the users using SQL language. The Relational Database Management in Amazon uses NoSql for Dynamo DB and Elastic cache for Caching purposes.

Microsoft Azure uses SQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL for the relational Database management system. For caching purposes, it uses Redis Cache and NoSql solutions.

  • Application Deployment

Cloud computing provides the Platform As an infrastructure (PaaS) for users to develop and deploy applications on various servers. The various tools used in AWS for deploying an application include Elastic Beanstalk, Lambda, Batch and Container Service.

Azure tools include cloud services, Containers, batches and functions.

  • Cost of Usage

Amazon and Azure cloud allows users to use the cloud computing service as a pay-as-you-go model. In AWS, the subscription is based on an hourly basis, whereas in Azure, the subscription is based on a minute basis. It depends upon the usage, where one can opt for azure for a short period of work, but it costs more than Amazon for larger scalability.

  • Availability and Open Source

Both are familiar, and demand increases for cloud computing day by day. The number of availability zones for AWS includes 61 and for Azure cloud is available around 140 zones. Amazon cloud provides the user with an open-source option, whereas azure provides a less open-source community.

  • Accessibility

In AWS, the machines can be accessed independently. While in Azure, machines are grouped and perform the task using their domain name and port. A hybrid cloud computing option is available in Azure, while Amazon cloud service is less prone to third-party or private cloud providers.

  • Networking System

Networking in Cloud enables users to connect the network system with the data centre using different products. The networking system used in AWS is Virtual Private Cloud, which uses an Application Program Interface gateway, Elastic load balancing for load balance.

Azure uses Virtual Network for Networking, VPN gateway, load balancer and application gateway to load the balance.

Pros and Cons of Amazon Cloud Computing

Some of the pros of Amazon Cloud Computing Service include,

  • Aws allows users to choose their programming language, operating system, and database based on their wishes.
  • Licensing method is simple and provides greater support for Big data, analytics and DevOps.
  • The users are allowed to determine their storage capacity
  • Provides greater security and reliability of highly transferrable data.
  • The data archive is available, and only a few data are lost during storage transfer.

             Some of the cons are,

  • Using Aws as the Hybrid option is a lower chance
  • The Elastic Load Balancer used by AWS can’t handle multiple requests
  • As AWS lacks customer support, it is better to have a technical support team for the consumers.
  • The choices or offers provided by the AWS team are tough to understand for those who are unaware of the technology
  • Choosing the right package is a little confusing as it provides multiple options.

Pros and Cons of Azure Cloud

Some of the pros of Azure Cloud are,

  • Suitable to various environments include Linux and Windows
  • Users have the option to create, deploy and maintain the applications
  • Various languages, tools and frameworks are used, which are scalable.
  • Provides greater support to the user
  • Greater Scalability and consists of large data centres.

Azure cloud Cons are as follows,

  • As Azure cloud is operated in 140 regions, the speed flow is not the same in all regions. It is slow in some regions.
  • The consumer should have an appropriate technical team to use Microsoft Azure and handle the server and patching.
  • High cost occurs if users transfer from one premise to another, the computing power is not the same; hence to transfer all components equally, an investment of a large sum is necessary.


Microsoft Azure and Amazon have their feature and functionalities. Both have pros and cons. A necessary solution should be found to reduce the cons of these cloud computing systems. Finally, choosing the appropriate cloud services lies in the developer’s or consumer’s choice, which meets their application requirement.

Scope of Amazon Web Services Training Program

Scope of Amazon Web Services Training Program

In this tutorial, we will cover about the scope of the Amazon Web Services Training Program. But before that, let’s us quickly explain the Amazon web Services (AWS) certification.

What do you understand by Amazon Web services Certification?

Amazon Web Services is usually considered one of the most important terminologies used in the Information technology field very effectively.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is also considered one of the most important and popular cloud service platforms that most organizations and individuals globally use.

Moreover, the AWS (Amazon Web Services) is usually comprised of almost more than 100s of the respective web applications and also the web-server that usually includes the followings:

  • Management of the infrastructure.
  • Development of the respective applications.
  • Respective Migration.
  • Storage.
  • Networking.
  • Delivery of the respective content.
  • Effective consumer engagement.
  • Effective Business Productivity.
  • Internet of Things.
  • Development related to the games.
  • And many more etc.

The striking features of the Amazon Web Services are that the respective AWS (Amazon Web Services) usually effectively supports the highly safe and low-cost infrastructure platform in the cloud.

Benefits of AWS (Amazon Web Services) training

The various benefits of the respective Amazon Web Services training are as follows:

  • The AWS certification training program helps individuals validate their knowledge in the respective cloud computing platform.
  • Another important benefit of the AWS certification program is that it usually provides effective credibility and dedication to the career path of cloud computing.
  • AWS training also helps individuals crack interviews with a heavy salary.
  • This respective training is termed to be the highest-paying info-tech globally.

Scope of the AWS Training

The AWS (Amazon Web Services) training has a wide range of the scope in the future for the respective individuals, such as respective jobs with a good amount of perks, some of the job roles are as follows:

  1. AWS Cloud Architect: AWS (Amazon Web services) cloud architect is the most renowned job completion of the AWS training programs.

AWS Cloud Architect’s role is to connect directly with the respective engineers and clients to provide an effective interface with the stakeholders and the various technical leaderships.

And the average salaries paid to the respective Amazon Web Services Cloud Architects are about Rs.920 000.

  • Cloud Developer: Cloud developer is usually considered another most important career option an individual can apply for after completing the AWS training program. Generally, the cloud developers are the ones who are responsible for developing the solutions for the respective enterprise as well as responsible for the development of effective software according to the market demands. Individuals can apply for the AWS roles based on their practical experience in software development and knowledge of the AWS platform.

The average salary an individual can get after getting the role of cloud developer is nearly Rs. Seven hundred thousand in India, respectively.

  • Cloud Software Engineer: Cloud Software Engineer is usually considered to be another most important job role an individual can get after completing the AWS training program.

Individuals have a great opportunity to grow their career with the respective Amazon Web Services if they are good software programmers and experts in the respective language such as C++, Python, Ruby, and JavaScript. An individual’s effective capability in designing, developing, and implementing the particular system/software on the respective AWS (Amazon Web Services) platform can effectively help an individual get AWS jobs more frequently. So, it is advisable to complete the AWS training program and stand a chance to get outstanding jobs with good salaries.

The average salary an individual can get after getting the role of a cloud software engineer is nearly Rs. Seven hundred thousand in India, respectively.

  • DevOps Engineer: DevOps Engineer is quite good in the skills beyond development in the particular network operations and the system deployment. Moreover, deep knowledge, considerable skills, and experience on the respective AWS platforms can open many opportunities in the job field. It is also concluded that if an individual completes the AWS training program with all his zest and zeal, the chances of getting the job get doubles compared to getting a job without the AWS training program.

 The average salary an individual can get after getting the role of DevOps engineer is nearly Rs. Six hundred sixty thousand in India, respectively.

Amazon Web Service vs Cloud Computing

What is Amazon Web Service?

Amazon’s web service is entirely based on a cloud platform. It helps individuals, large organizations, and companies to grow and develop their applications and products. Amazon web service offers various services, including database management, IT Infrastructure to develop an application, and a storage process based on pay peruse. It provides about 200 features worldwide.

The users of Aws cross million for its scalability, reliability, and cost optimization. It provides greater security to startup companies to large organizations, including the banking military, to secure sensitive information. It was implemented in July 2002 and consists of web services and cloud computing.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing offers services similar to AWS used for storage management, security purposes, and application deployment. Many large IT companies develop cloud platforms to reduce the burden on various sectors, including educational, hospital, and military services. In simple terms, cloud services provide the customer with all computing services, including storage management and IT infrastructure.

Difference between Cloud Computing and AWS
Image Credit : Google.com

Difference between Cloud Computing and AWS

In simple terms, Cloud Computing plays a significant role, while AWS acts as a subdivision. Various companies offer cloud services like Google Cloud, AWS, IBM Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Digital Ocean, Google Cloud Platform, SalesForce, and VMware. Cloud computing tools play a vital role in maintaining Infrastructure and helping to deploy the application.

Some of the cloud computing tools are as follows,

  • Relic
    • True Sight Pulse
    • Solar Winds
    • Retrace
    • Exoprice
    • Sematext

Tools required to build Amazon web services are Java, JavaScript, Go, C++, PHP, .Net, and Python.

Software used for cloud computing is Cloud Ubuntu, eNlight Cloud Computing Hosting Services, VMware and, Xenserver, Microsoft Windows Server Hyper-V.

Software used for Amazon web services includes Amazon Corretto, AWS Cloud9, AWS Cloud Shell, AWS Code Build, AWS Code Commit, and AWS Code Deploy.


Companies using Amazon web services are Netflix, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitch, BBC, Baidu, and ESPN. The key components of AWS include Storage, Visualization, Operation and Management, Security, and Automation.

The critical components of cloud computing include Storage, Application deployment, IT Infrastructure, Service, Runtime, Security, and Management.

The career position in cloud computing are Cloud administrator, Cloud network engineer, Cloud architect, Cloud Security analyst, Cloud consultant, and Cloud software engineer companies that are recruiting are Wipro, CTS, Oracle, Amazon, Capgemini, IBM, Accenture, and many more companies are recruiting.

Salary: AWS vs Cloud Computing

The career position in Amazon web service is AWS DevOps Engineer, AWS Solution Architect, and AWS System Integrator. The salary ranges from 3.4 lakhs to 14.0 lakhs salary, and it estimates at about 600000 per annum.

The salary for Cloud developers or engineers ranges from 3.0 to 13.5 lakhs, and it estimates at 5.5 lakhs per annum.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

The benefits of Cloud Computing include reducing the cost of maintaining your Infrastructure. By choosing cloud-based services, the customer can develop and update their data and application without worrying about Infrastructure. Data is neither destroyed nor removed, and customers will access and get the data when they need it. Confidentiality for data and application is ensured here.

Many organizations have security concerns, but the cloud doesn’t have such tension. Cloud computing makes collaboration a simple process. It connects employees across your organization, increasing customer interest, and engagement. One of the best facilities provided by the cloud is Quality control. It stores data sequenced in a correct format that many people access simultaneously, thereby avoiding data errors.

The benefits of Amazon web service include the user choosing their database, programming language, and storage database management regarding their application.

Some of the cons of AWS include setting the service limits for resources and technology. There is a lack of technical knowledge among team members, fees for technical operations, and backup and security faults occur sometime.

Benefits of cloud computing are insecure application program Interfaces(API), data security problems, denial of service attacks, risk of confidentiality, and Connectivity problems, including low internet connection.

ParametersAmazon web ServicesCloud Computing
Initiated inJuly 2002August 2006
ContainerDocker, KubernetesMicrosoft Azure Container Instance, IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.
Pricing based onPer hourOn-demand or Spot
ExplanationThe users of Aws cross million for its scalability, reliability, and cost optimization. It provides greater security to startup companies to large organizations, including the banking military, to secure sensitive information.It has developed from 1.4 billion dollars to 4.1 billion dollars in the past five years. In short, the scope for cloud computing and its successful applications in Indian companies is bound to go up.
Storage devicesAmazon Simple Storage Services(S3)Public, Private, Hybrid, Community
File StorageAmazon Elastic File System(EFS)Object File and Block.
Volume Size500 GB to 16 TB1 GB to 64 TB


The above article discusses the difference between AWS and Cloud Computing, and both play a vital role in this technological world.