How to prepare for Java Interview?

An Introduction to Java

Java is one of the high-level languages founded by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems. It is an object-oriented and platform-independent language that is easy to learn, write, compile and debug. Hence it is called WORA (write once read anywhere). It is a secure and portable language that can run on any platform.

Nowadays, Java is widely used for developing various mobile applications and app development. Some java applications are Net beans, IntelliJ, Web applications, mobile applications, gaming applications, and big data. My favorite apps based on java programming language are Netflix, tinder, Google Earth, Uber, and web applications that use Java are Amazon, Broadleaf, and Wayfair. Scientific applications include Matlab. Big data applications such as Hadoop, Elastic Search, etc.

What are the positions available in Java?

Several programming languages are used in IT and various startup companies to develop different projects. The salary is estimated based on the position and year of experience. Some of the positions available in the java programming language are Java Software Engineer, Angular Java Developer, Java Product Developer, Junior and Senior Developer, Architect, Java Full Stack Developer, DevOps Engineer, Solution Architect and various other positions.

Sources to Prepare for Java Interview

Online Resources

Some of the usual and well-known channels provide the necessary technological questions to the user for the Interview preparation. It contains the details of what are the questions previously asked, frequently and importantly asked questions. The written format study material is also offered, used as a reference to upgrade the knowledge.


The e-books give enriched knowledge to the user. Common books and e-books provide the collective information about the java programming language completely. Moreover, the familiar author books are available online regarding java interview tips and methodologies to crack it.

Well-versed in Java Basics.

The interview preparation should be based on the position which is recruiting. So, one should be strong in basic java concepts for java interview preparation. Being strong in basic concepts helps to crack the Interview easily. To code and execute the program properly, java basics are necessary.

Interview Questions in Top Websites

The top java interview questions are available on various websites, along with answers which help the learners to understand the concept. The answers provided on the website are short and simple; learning is like a piece of cake. The technical question and answer are also provided, with a suitable coding example for reference.

Well, knowledge of Necessary Topics.

One should be well versed in necessary topics. Some of the important topics in Java are,

  • Fundamentals of Java
    • Java Framework
    • Array
    • OOPS Concept
    • Exception Handling
    • Multithreading
    • Strings in Java
    • Java IDE
    • Constructors and Variables
    • Classes and Operators
    • Interfaces

Websites to crack the Java Interview

  1. Javatpoint

Javatpoint is one of the websites which provides online tutorials for Java learners and beginners. It contains the complete java concepts, including how to prepare for a java interview, Java Interview questions and the Core Concept of Java. The tutorials are easy to understand for both the fresher and the professionals. It covers the whole java core concepts.

  • Geeks for Geeks

Geeks for Geeks is another website for learning programming knowledge. It covers the java concept, including Java Basic Syntax to advanced concepts. It provides courses for both working professionals and students. It helps the learners to crack the Interview easily.

  • The complete java Master class

Udemy offers this course for beginners. Tim Buchalka created this course. This course teaches you from beginners to advanced level. Initially, it makes the learners learn the machine setup for learning java language and learn to run the hello world program, expressions, switch statements, etc. It covers the concept of complete java methods.

                        OOPS concept

                        Advanced Java


                        Database Technology

                       Java Networking

Well known for their Project

In the interview process, the candidate is asked to explain their Project done in Java Programming language and their work experience. So being knowledgeable in their Project is added as an advantage. Another is work experience if one has some prior working knowledge in Java, which helps them crack the interview process easily.


The above tutorial mentions the tips to prepare for a java interview. The rise in demand for both java programming and java developers is increasing day by day. Hence being an expert in that particular technology helps to crack the Interview.