Difference between the JavaScript and Typescript

Difference between the JavaScript and Typescript

If an individual or the developer gets a chance to work on a specific development of the web project, but before working upon any particular story of the project, the developer must be aware of the JavaScript working. It was seen that JavaScript has been in the market for a long time and has gained popularity among other scripting languages.

But nowadays, a competition to JavaScript has been launched in the market, which is none other than Typescript; it is also used to develop the web with advanced features. The Typescript is considered the advanced form of JavaScript that is encapsulated with lots of the features of the respective JavaScript.

In this tutorial, we will discuss the following things as the part of the JavaScript and Typescript are as follows:

  1. What do you understand by the term JavaScript?
  2. Why use JavaScript?
  3. Various Features of the JavaScript.
  4. What do you mean by Typescript?
  5. Why make use of the Typescript?
  6. Different Features of the JavaScript?

What do you mean by the term JavaScript?

JavaScript is one of the critical scripting languages that helps an individual or the developer to develop or create various interactive web pages. It is said that it follows the rules of the client-side programming that makes it comfortable to get run in the respective web browser without requiring the resources forms the effective web server. We can use JavaScript with different technologies such as:

  • Rest APIs.
  • XML.
  • And many more.

Furthermore, the main idea behind developing JavaScript is to make it a complimentary language such as “Visual Basic”. And JavaScript is not designed for large complex solutions or applications.

Why make use of JavaScript?

Various reasons make JavaScript be used to a greater extent; some of them are as follows:

  • JavaScript is usually designed to develop small projects rather than large ones, as these contain various tools.
  • It supports the followings;
  • Modules.
  • Interface.
  • Classes.
  • Etc.
  • We can also use JavaScript to create larger apps by extending the particular JavaScript.
  • JavaScript also allows cross-compilation.
  • With Microsoft patronage, it is an open-source project.
  • And many more.

Features of the JavaScript

The various essential features that are associated with JavaScript are as follows:

  • The critical elements are that JavaScript is a cross-platform language, and
  • JavaScript is very much flexible in nature and a powerful speech that makes it a dynamic language.
  • It provides freedom to the respective developer to create their projects by fully utilising JavaScript tools.
  • JavaScript is straightforward to learn, meaning a beginner can also understand it if he has some primary language of the programming language.
  • JavaScript is mainly designed for the client side as well as for the server side.
  • And many more.

What do you understand by the term Typescript?

Typescript language is the extension in the JavaScript language, or we can say that the Typescript is a modern age scripting language that is used to develop the web more attractive as compared with JavaScript; however, the typescript language is a statically more complied version language that in turn used for the purpose writing effective, clear as well as simple code of the JavaScript. The Typescript can efficiently run on Node js and the browser that supports ECMAScript or its new version.

Moreover, the Typescript is supposed to provide various optional static typing interfaces and classes. The Typescript can be used to develop a more extensive project not supported in JavaScript.

Why make use of TypeScript?

Various reasons make TypeScript be used to a greater extent; some of them are as follows:

  • The Typescript usually supports various JS libraries and API Documentation


  • TypeScript is the extended form of JavaScript, or we can say it is the superset of JavaScript.
  • The Typescript language is more often a typed scripting language.
  • A simple code can be generated by converting the Typescript code.
  • The Typescript language supports better code structuring and the techniques related to the object-oriented programming language.
  • TypeScript supports the advanced tools that can be used for developing web applications in less time.
  • And also, the Typescript language can be extended beyond its standard decorators.
  • And many more.

Features of the TypeScript

The various essential features that are associated with TypeScript are as follows:

  • The critical features are that the maintainability is very effective and less time-consuming.
  • It offers the navigation of the different codes.
  • The Typescript also helps in the easy as well as the easy prevention of the various bugs that arise in the Typescript code.
  • The Typescript also supports ES6.
  • It also offers scalable HTML5 client-side development.
  • And many more.

Fundamental Difference between the JavaScript and the Typescript

The essential difference between JavaScript and Typescript are as follows:

  1. Developers Community: The Typescript language has gained popularity significantly fewer times, and many enterprises can quickly implement them. The Typescript language has more excellent and active support from the community, which helps in its establishment and popularity worldwide. 

On the contrary, JavaScript does not have the community’s support to a greater extent. Still, they are also popular as they support various types of libraries, frameworks and a massive amount of code practices.

  • Performance: It was noted that the Typescript was developed or created to overcome the various challenges related to JavaScript for complex applications on a more significant basis, due to which the Typescript saves lots of development times and usually allows the developers to get mastered efficiently. And the performance of JavaScript is typically low in comparison to Typescript.
  • Syntax: The TypeScript language supports or offers a variable declaration, type system, and paradigm related to the specific functions, whereas JavaScript does not help the above features.
  • And many more.